Sunday, April 26, 2009I think i m total failure as a chairman sia. Imagine announcing things or got things to say to the class, and they just completely ignore you. Don't need to imagine right, its just pure crappy. Hais, and times when you were left behind by others, nobody cares about you, ah, pure suck. Usher duties again! Its quite cool, but i need to count the number of ppl attending the church, and its quite troublesome =/. The sermon was quite interesting lar, and i just realised that saying "oh my god" is a sin too, -.-! I wonder i sinned how many times man. Lunch was fun, talking to rachel makes me feel happy, i can just crap what i want lar, lol. Bible study was fun too, okay, everything will be fun when i m with my church frens. Late for ard 2 hours for the class outing, hais. Hopefully i didn't sneeze on my way there, which means that nobody was cursing me behind my back haha. The bus ride was damn cold lar, becos of the stupid weather, hais, i should have bring my "raincoat" (the raincoat-look-alike jacket) lar, Z. The main highlight of the outing is the ultimate frezbe or smth lol, its seriously funny, cos most of us got no talent in catching the saucer. And yea, my long distance throwing would always go into the sea. Speaking of sea, Its quite amusing to see how kovan being thrown onto it lol. And seriously whats so nice about volka man, its like sweet + bitter, weird combination right. I seriously prefer coke man. Catherine met us just for dinner, i bet she has nth to do at home man. Yea, overall its quite fun bah, class 14 still rox. GoodNite 10:59pm Saturday, April 25, 2009Man, all the modules are just too interesting! Except for EC lar, sian, my eng so suck -.-. Econs, poa, stats and idea just rocks man, okay, except for the Zbrush thinggy. I nearly went into "pass me my shotgun" mode LOL, inside joke. Yea, after 3 hours of anyhow-pressing, i managed to make a 3D model out of it somehow, even though it don't look like the one i drew, whatever, look 75% like the one i drew is consider a1 liao right haha. Played badminton with my bro with weighs on =/, then climbed stairs to train my legs power haha, hope i can join SP badminton club man. Anyway, my grandma lost her voice temporary, i miss her nagging man, so i helped her with some of the chores =/. Looking forward to tmr's sunday services and class outing =). Good nite 10:44pm Thursday, April 23, 2009Seriously, the weather is pure sucky. I hate it man, its like .. blistering hot? The world is changing man, , Edmund can tell lame jokes too! Okay i not being what-so-ever, but its quite a rare sight haha. I tried to be funny today, yea, i tied weights on my leg haha, you noe like the Table of Glory the guy, haha. I tot its pretty cool, but no, its heavy, -.-. Currently i am quite obsessed with the show lar, its like so nice, but its like so fake, the way the ball moves, especially the tang yuan ping pong thing lol. Today everyone was teasing gabriel cos he almost wears almost everything in green haha, i wonder he will wears green hat too in the future, haha. Good Nite 10:52 pm Monday, April 20, 2009I SERIOUSLY GOT NO TALENT IN FLOSSING MY TEETH! Its like an arduous task for me, and my gums will keep bleeding for no possible reasons, i have'nt even start scrubbing my teeth, they bleed liao, so pro right. Hmm, ytd was my usher day haha. And the task was pretty easy lar, just marking attendants, yea even going to church you need to mark attendants -.-, but it made me realised that i didn't know quite a lot of ppl's name lar =/. Badminton-ed after that at the indoor sports hall, yea finally, i can play badminton again lar. Most of the people there were like so pro lar, omg, i practically stunned when i saw how they played. But yea, a good opponent will help you to improve right, haha. Anyway, the cool thing is my sore throat is healed man, by god's grace, its like FINALLY, cos i really dread sore throat, ahh, so now i must spam anti biotics =/. Okay, today was the first day of school man, and its VERY VERY fun as usual haha, cos my class people are too funny liao lar. Marcus: "eh auntie ( the pizza hut waitress), i think my phone encountered some problems, becos i don't have your phone number", LOL RIGHT. Today we got 5 hours of break in total, yea more bonding time for us haha. Tutorials was quite fun, both the IDEA and the POA thinggy. IDEA CA1 is just next week?!?! Omg? I m totally not prepared lar, hais. During the POA tutorial, we played sort-of some business-version-of-monopoly lar, we were selling diapers-.- omg! As in not the real one, monopoly form of cos. And YEA, my team were the champ haha, not by fluke but by the blessing from god =). Hais, i guess i forgotten quite a lot of POA stuff, haha, need to burn my POA notes and mix it with water to drink liao. But duno why, suddenly gastric pain, and its very severe man, i was almost dying lar, i barely survived through the lecture -.-. And yea, thanks to those who said smth like " are you okay, chris" and stuff, haha, especially clare and weiqi cos she helped me to take attendants lol, cool right. I am looking forward to our class hoodies haha, even though i dislike white+orange mixture, hais =/. And its cost ard 60 bucks lar! Lol, then when i reach home ar, i was like " ah ma, i very guai right", "yea very guai", " erm my class is planning to make a hoodie for our class tee, so sponser abit leh, its 60 dollars", " okay lar i help sponser abit, 20 bucks okay?". HAHA, and the rest my mom sponser, COOL RIGHT! And obviously the convo was in chinese lol. Good Nite 10.45 pm Saturday, April 18, 2009Sore throat is KILLING ME!!!! I pray that the pain will alleviate soon, hais. But yea, the good thing is that tmr is sunday service again, haha, and i can get to see my friends again! Anyway, i need to do the usher stuff tmr so i need to wake up early =/. Went to my bro fren's house today to play PS2, haha, cos its really boring at home, and i can't find a partner to play badminton with me, cos everyone was not free =/. Okay it will be a short post cos the pain is really severe, ahh. Hope that the doctor's medicine will be effective, if not i will be queueing up for 1 hour + for nth! Nowdays, seeing doctor is like so ex lar, just get some medicine and ask some questions, it cost like 40 bucks?!? Hais. Good Nite. 10:31 pm Friday, April 17, 2009Visited the dental today at the Health Promotion Board, and the process of cleaning my teeth was excruciatingly painful, omg, but yea, the lord give me the strength to surmount it all =). After i took my pay, my grandma, mother and i went to a Japanese restaurant named Kuriya or smth. The things there is EX lar, but yea, its very nice. Sore throat, ahh, i hate sore throat man, its like so uncomfortable, and yea, the pain is alleviating, thank god! Omg, the Cell Group was super fun man. Rachel, justus, zhong wei and i practically went crazy. We were like so euthu or smth, kept crapping and doing funny things, or maybe its just me hahaha. Okay, i guess today 's CG is the fun-est lar, haha. Gaius were telling interesting thing about evil spirit, and yea, the evil spirits tend to disturb christians with lots of faith on god =/. And i realised Christians can be possesed too, rachel and i were freaked out lar. Cos guan xiong got this fren got possessed by evil spirit lar, then he kept quoting things like "i m jesus, i m god" stuff, and his family totally didn't know what to do, so they hired all kinds of priests to expel the ghost lar, but at the end they told the pastors about it, then the pastors drove away the evil spirit in the name of jesus christ, AMEN!, and yea his back to normal and have no conscience about what he had done. Pretty scary right, but with holy spirit inside, and if don't do bad things and don't visit temples and stuff, i guess i m fine =). And yea, i just realised there is only ONE holy spirit with "many many" evil spirits lar, diaos, i initially thought that the number of Holy spirits > Evil spirits -.-. Whatever. Good Nite 11:36pm Thursday, April 16, 2009Its flag day today, and out of all locations, we were allocated to Kranji, which is like no people at all lar. But only Catherine manage to get quite a lot, didn't know how she managed to also. You noe, girls always have an edge over guys in flag day donation you see. Well, i only collected $44.40, which is quite not bad if i m comparing to my class haha. Got one guy from DBA collected 360++ bucks, then i was like, did he manage to get bills gate to donate for him -.-. Its quite tiring, cos whole morning i was repeating the same old sentence like a robot, " Excuse me miss/mdm/sir, would you like to donate for the president 's challenge". Some people just dao sia, as if i was scamming their money liddat, zz. I guess young adults are more polite and generous =/. When we were having our lunch at some food court near CCK, ken and angkasa were very funny lar, they kept crapping and crapping like nobody's business sia. Played some card games with my classmates, and the loser will have sticker pasted on their face as forfeit, lol, but end up we just spammed stickers on anyone we see lar. At 5 pm got a SP party or smth, and i met Joy lu and nathaniel haha, joy was like so shock to see me lar. Anyway the party was quite fun bah, everyone was quite high, and they scream like crazy -.-. Left early cos i read the time wrong, it was suppose to be 7, but didn't why i read it as 8, and the ping pong show starts at 9 ma, so i rushed home -.-. Whatever, clubbing dance is not for me anyway, i only like Break dance and Hip-hop cos they are SO cool lar, omg. Oh ya, got this SP student ar, she was one of them who were chosen to go up to the front to dance lar, then she was like so paiseh at first, but when the music starts ar, she went crazy or smth lol, everyone was shocked. Okay actually got no mood to blog, cos i am having a sore throat now. Pray that god will heal me =). Amen. Good Nite 11:40pm. If my class didn't meet up for lunch, today's programmes will be plain sian lar, cos most of the time we spent it in the aircon-ed room, duno what it is called. We went all the way to IMM to have our lunch, but its worth it haha, cos the food was really nice. And clare got this super big cabbage on her bowl lar, then i was like " Is she starved for days, or maybe she likes rabbits" lol. Coincidently, i met vanessa when i was taking MRT to school, and she sent me a song on the way and its pretty cool. I just realised quite a number of my schoolmates are living in the east side lar, and the most ke lian one is amanda, she live in simei and i can't imagine how long she needs to take to reach kranji tmr, lol. I mean, from aljunied you need to take at least 20 stations to reach kranji MRT station lar, then from simei its like zZ right. Anyway, the speeches by various speakers was okay, and i decided to take up Marketing for my 2nd year, cos it is the most interesting one among all of them, and maybe entrepreneurship on the 3rd year =/. One of the speakers offered us 10$ for those who dare to go up to the front and tell a joke to everyone lar, then a girl went up to tell a thumbdrive riddle, yea, she is such a unabashed girl haha, i don't think i able to do that, its like so pai seh to tell a joke in front of a big group of people you don't even know lar. Heng tmr meeting time is changed, or else i need to wake up like 5 am lar, z! Yes, friday is coming and i m already missing my CG friends already haha. And as usual, i don't look good in photos, zz. Good Nite. 1:09 am Tuesday, April 14, 2009Class 14 seriously roxs! Haha. Marcus were very funny today, especially the "we believed in retribution joke" lol. The bonding games were fun, but unfortunately we only managed to clear 3 out of 11 in total =/. After that i perspired like duno what lar, i think main culprit was the hands-and-legs-tied-tgt-with-the-people-beside-you-and-you-have-to-compete-with-another-team-to-see-which-team-will-reach-the-destination-first game -.-. And as the chairman of class 14, i have to carry all their valuables, so my bag was like bricks-like heavy lar, they must have took all their saving from their bank and put them all into their wallet lol. If this keeps up i will have muscles all over in no time haha. Heng they never bring their notebook, or i won't be able to blog here now -.-. Miraculously, today's the library introduction's video was not that monotonous, i actually get to pay attention to it haha. You see, one of my facils got a name of ANGKASA, weird right, and i always miscalled it as ANGSANA, Z! Whatever, i m looking for to tommorow's freshman orientation programme haha. Good Nite. 12.06Am SP freshman orientation!
Sp freshman orientation was fun!! Although initially the sort-of-lecture briefing on how to use your spice account and stuff was quite boring =/, and most of the people wasn't listening lar, they were busy using msn, and some even played dota -.-, lol right. I was late for the briefing for 30 mins cos i misheard class 14 as T14?!? Hais, anyway, the DBA cheer is totally stupid lar, they just don't make sense to me. Imagine me shouting "ompak ompakpak" stuff, zz! The food was cheaper than i expected, lol, and the queue was like T-H-I-S-L-O-N-G lar, cos not many stores are operating. It took me ard 30 mins to get my wanton noodle, z. But the ice breaking games were very exciting and funny lar, i was like laughing throughout the games -.-. Especially the forfeit, where 4 guys had to lean their face against each other and stuff, hahaha. And hor, half of my class girls are quite chio, haha, okay thats abit.. nvm. Anyway, i had been chosen to be the chairman of the class, haha, don't noe why also, i guess maybe my friend wants to sabo me or it's the work of god haha. Quite happy to be one cos i want to be skilled in leadership lol, so i guess i have to start with being a chairman or monitor and stuff right. I think i am beginning to like my class, haha, hope i don't change class =/. Hais, the freshman orientation activities is only going to last for 4 days, if its like 2 weeks that will be great haha. Good Nite 1 am. Sunday, April 12, 2009I had been baptized today!!! Quite happy about it, haha. Cos i am given a sort-of new life, while abandoning my past sinful acts. And i shall not sin from now on! Okay that's pretty impossible, but i can try not to sin, haha. After being baptized below the stage ar, we have to take some pictures, and its very paiseh cos it's like i was facing a few thousands ppl, z! Gave my tithing to the chapel office after that, and i didn't feel any relunctance or heart-pain about it when i handed it up, haha. God loves a cheerful giver, =). So i have to give tithing monthly from now on, and i hope that my family will not be unhappy about it =/. Haha, anyway, i am officially not working from now on!! Cos sp is starting soon and i want to enjoy the remaining holidays while i can =/. Lunch was provided at the indoor sports hall, so i mum and i had our lunch there. They food was okay, and the uncle gave me quite a lot of meat and stuff even though i told him i don't want cos i can't finish it so its quite wasteful . Then he goes, "nian qing ren yao chi duo yi dian" , then i was like "okay". But at last i shared it with my mom, haha. Hais, nowdays i at home keep playing computer games like dota, vampirism fire, maze of sliding bunnies and stuff. So sian, i want to go out and play badminton also don't have a partner, pathetic right. So i went roller skating myself instead, hais. Anyway, dota while using skype to talk with friends is like so cool, such as " eh lester, hex then impale the viper" lol. Whatever, i need to do my QT now, and nowdays i kept sleeping late, ahh, pimples are comnig back, z. Tmr is Sp orientation, i am quite looking forward for it, hope that i can sleep early today cos going to meet boon siang and friends tmr at 7 am, ahh, bye! Good Nite. 11:51pm Sunday, April 5, 2009Finally, tmr is sunday! Ahh, i have been really looking forward to the sunday church service tmr haha. Aiks, even though i trained hard with the dumbells, i still couldn't win my bro in arm wrestling =/. Hmm, these few days i have been doing my QT, pretty happy about that, haha. I guess i m more discipline now, thanks to the prayer i made, lol. God really answer prayers, all you have to do is to wait patiently for it, =). Well, the prayer cannot be , " Please let me win 4D this week" that sort of cos. Work was okay, quite tired =/. I fell alsleep immediately after i reached home, -.-. Nearly went late for work today, cos i didn't know how to go, but luckily, one of my colleague brought me there, thats very kind of him, haha. Actually today i was supposed to be working from 9 am to 10 pm de, but it was not very busy, so i was released 3 pm. Thank god, cos i was like falling alsleep lar, -.-. These few days i didn't get the sleep much i guess, hais, cos of work bah. Tmr have to wake up at 8.30 am, haha, so its only ard 7 hours of sleep, hope i can be awake during the preaching of gospel and bible study bah. Bye! Good Nite. 1:44 am. Saturday, April 4, 2009I think i m mad or smth, cos i was playing badminton almost everyday haha. Yea, today was not an exception too. Cos lester and others were busy or smth, so i asked louis instead. And his good, as expected from a guy from badminton CCA lol. On my way back right, i saw this pink hello kitty bag on the part of the ground of the fitness corner near block 44 lar. At first i tot that the owner might come back to take it back when she realised that its lost or smth, but i waited for awhile, still no one came to claim it, so i handed it over to the police station haha. Didn't dare to look whats inside it cos lest something is lost then i will be responsible -,-. I was quite proud of myself after that haha, even though initially it was quite pai seh, a guy holding a pink hello kitty bag -.-, gosh. Some passer-by gave me an are-you-all-right look, Z. Yea, today's CG was very meaningful! Basically, it was about the significance of praying, doing quiet time ( QT) and giving thite every month. Hais, i haven't been baptised up till now, hope my grandmother allows me to, haha. Cos after baptising, i have to give thite every month, i m okay with it actually, but my grandmother just dont allow =/. So i preached her and my bro for an one-and-a-half hours on the gospel -.-. Hope that they will be converted to Christianity and be saved =), and so that i can be one step closer to the Lord. Bless the LORD! Good nite. 1.52 am. Wednesday, April 1, 2009Slow jogged with wendy today, haha. Initially, my back started aching, yea again, and it was really painful. But as i run, i sliently prayed that god will use his mighty hand to heal me, and almost immediately after praying, the pain was alleviated. Praise the lord! Although we jogged on quite a slow pace, i seemed to be tired. Maybe its becos of the weights on my legs, or my back bah. Okay i guess that's just excuses for being unfit =/. After the removal of the weights, my legs were like so light lar, like flying, haha. Went dover with my mom to submit the SP scholars programme thinggy, hais, troublesome. Hope that i will be shortlisted bah, pray for me okay. Hais, even if i m selected, by chance or by fluke, i still need to undergo a interview, ahh i dread it man. Imagine being locked up in a room and being questioned by a group of strangers, scary isn't it? Okay that sounds more like an interrogation, lol. And most of all, i never been to any interviews before, ahh, hope that i won't screw it up -,-. So lately, i have been trying to speak english often, lol, some people must find it weird, like lester haha. Anyway, the food in SP is really nice lar, especially the toasted bread haha, economical and tasty. My uncle was kind enough to drive me to Mandrian Oriental to take my voucher, cos that time the company got limited voucher, hais, sway. Then headed for Orchard to take my pay, grand total of $123 plus bucks only, =/. Pretty tired, cos i was being super lame while chatting with rachel in msn. Hmm, the end of April fool's day i guess. Quite a pity cos i don't get to play pranks on people haha. Ahh, still need to do my QT, hais, i guess i can't sleep early today le. Good Nite. 12:56 pm. Finally, i had done writing the 200 words essay for the SP scholars programme. Haha, although my mom's best friend, the facial treatment centre lady boss, helped me to amend some of my mistakes. Anyway, the only thing i dislike about my notebook is that the hell HOME key is just beside BACKSPACE key, and i always accidentally press the home button instead of the backspace key, ahh, pissed off. To rub salt to the wound, my mouse broke down not long ago, for no sensible reasons, it just suddenly can't work, Z! Guess what time i had to reach my working place? Yea your are right, 6.30am!! MRT operating time is 6.06am, towards pasir ris route. Furthermore, i need to take a 35 mins bus ride from Tampines bus interchange. Even i don't add in the waiting time, i will still be late for at least 30 mins. They don't expect me to take cab there don't they? Hais. But thank god, both the managers were quite good bah, compare to those bossy ones, =/. Actually i think they ought to be nice to us waitors/waitress , you see ar, we are providing services to their customers, while they just open their mouth and give orders. So in order for us to be friendly and polite to their customers we must be in good mood right? But some bossy and strict manager, keep scolding people even though it was just a minor mistake, and thus results in bad services. Both the company and the employees suffer right? Ahh, sorry about those rantings =/. Today, the working place's managers were really good, they were very polite, and treated us like we are their friends haha. Hmm, i guess because of this i was quite motivated bah. Well, today was quite slack bah, i only get to carry some plates and bowls, and wipe cutlery and stuff. It was quite monotonous, so i sang pop songs while wiping them, and then time seems to sped past like an arrow haha. Oh ya, it was quite an unusual experience today, cos i get to deliver food and stuffs to some hotel rooms. It was quite awkward cos i was told to shout " Room Serivce" or smth lol, -.-. And yea, a hamburger with fries cost 23.74 bucks!! Thats my breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper you noe, lol. Omg, i can't imagine how rich are those ang-mohs. Today's lunch and dinner was a buffet, and we can get to eat the leftovers, cool right? Got crabs, prawns, chicken, pork, frog's legs ( eww), and even sashimi and stuff haha. And seriously, sashimi without wasabi is totally gross -,-. I don't know why sia, i will never get bored playing badminton, even though i am down-ed with a severe backache haha. Overall, i earned quite a bit for today bah, cos i worked for ard 9 hours, so that will be $49.50 bah. Argh, i hate job agencies!! They practically steal away your hard-earn money legally man! Ahh regreted joining it, but no choice, cos its too late to turn back now =/. Only left one month until school starts, and who will want a one month temparary worker right? Heng got a direct bus to my house, or i will have to take cab home today. Okay i guess i shall stop here. Good Nite 2:00am |
profileName: YonghaoSchool: Singapore poly Loves: GOD, Break dance :D:D, roller skating, badminton, guitarr, JAY CHOU!!, and Genie zhuo wen xuan (very cute lar) Hates: Back stabbers, hypocrites First cry: 25/12/92
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Love Story - Taylor Swift
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