Monday, March 30, 2009OMG, today i was late for sunday service. Amazing, i woke up at ard 11.15 am, and the sunday service starts at 9 am, Zz right. However, i rushed down anyway, and hopefully i just made it for the bible study. Lately i was really into christ man, haha, becos of Him my life was turned 180 degree lar, from bad to good of cos haha. Bless the lord! Some of my cell group friends didn't turn up today, i pray that they will turn up next week haha. Visited my father's ashes today, but i didn't offer any joss sticks or pai him cos it was restricted in the bible. Hopefully i managed to convince my mom and my relatives, haha, all thanks to the help from pastor Rebecca and Gaius. Hmm, actually my ah pek wanted to give me and my brother 50 bucks each but cos my brother didn't go as he was busy playing audition or was planning to go out soon, so my mom gave me his share instead haha, and maybe cos my brother didn't really care anyway. So thats 100 bucks for me to save $.$. Anyway, i met up with some of my cousins today ( my father's side de), but we didn't really get to talk much cos we don't really noe each other haha. But seriously, i got 2 cousins very chio sia, haha, like movie stars =/. Oh ya talking about stars, i just saw this headlines on the newspaper which stated that a korean singer injected herself with some cosmetic jab and her face turned out wrong. Hais quite ke lian, but i just prayed for her, haha, hope that god will do something to let her regain her usual looks and confidience bah. Dinner was great, my ah cek treated us, haha. Actually i don't like drunkard and smokers, maybe becos my father was one, and he left my family =/. However, thanks to the preach by Pastor Rebecca, about to love our neighbors like ourselves, i went to sort-of carry my uncle (my mom's friend) , who was drunkard, up to my house and let him rest at our sofa. Haha, quite happy about it cos i just done a good deed maybe. Good Nite. 12:56am. Saturday, March 28, 2009Methodist walk was quite slack but fun lar, lol. Cos i kept talking to people i guess. Furthermore, i could get to see some of my secondary school teachers, hah. My cell group friends were great lar, they are funny, friendly and willing to help others. Oh ya, in the youth service group ar, got 2 girls ( they are sisters) looked ard the age of 14 liddat lar, but their actual age are 19 and 21 respectively, i was like omg, how can it be, no offence bah. Anyway i guess its good to look younger, so they don't have to waste money on cosmetics haha. Hmm, oh ya, today i woke up at 5.30am, but the time to meet was 6.05 am at aljunied mrt, which is quite close to my house, just a few minutes of walking can reach liao, so i thought i can sleep for 5 more mins. Then ar, i woke up its already 6 am, then i frantically prepared what i supposed to bring and chiong-ed to the mrt station. Cos no time for breakfast, i was eating my mee robus while walking, and they keep teasing me about it, z! After the Methodist walk, a few of us went back to aljunied for lunch. Seriously it was quite nice lar, the black pepper chicken chop with spagetti w/ mushroom soup, definitely worth it, lols. Omg meeting lester at 2.30pm for badminton, so i think i should be going now. But i doubt that he will be on time, cos he always late one, haha. Bye! 2:27 pm. Monday, March 23, 2009I had been training on dumbells these few days, haha. hoping to get stronger =/. Collected my testimonial today tgt with jian an, the comments was quite good i think, i doubt they would write bad things about me there lol. Ah, just recieved the SP scholar programme letter, and i just barely qualified for it, just a fluke i guess. But i doubt i can make it, cos my cca achievement was quite bad, D7, omg, and i was neither a PE captain nor prefect, but just gonna try it anyway, cos the rewards are quite tempting haha. Such as the sponsorship of school fees, and they will sponser $1000 for my notebook etc. No harm trying right? I just have to type a less-than-200-words essay to sort of promote myself bah. Wish me luck okay? Anyway, i believed in "just do your best, god will do the rest" thing lol. Hmm, played badminton with yip han today, haha, my brother and his fren suddenly came to join us, i was totally flabbergasted lar, lol. Yip han left half-way, also duno why, maybe he don't like to play with strangers? Omg, i think i will be quite stress after i entered poly, cos i got 2 ccas and i have to obtain sterling results to continue to be in the scholars programme thing, hais.I pray that god will guide me through this path =/, amen. Good Night 12:24am Saturday, March 21, 2009Hais, seriously i m dam upset with my brother. He is just too rude to my mom, saying whatever he likes, shouting like nobody 's business. Why will i have such a brother? My mom and grandma is almost P-E-R-F-E-C-T liao, he is still not contented. Hais, i pray that he will change bah, so that my mum and grandma will not be agitated every now and then, and i pray that he will change before its all too late, and regret for his whole life. Okay lets put these sad things behind, let bygones be bygones haha. Anyway i got my new badminton racket! Haha, i m on a badminton frenzy or smth. Its quite light for me, but it cost ard 225 RM sia, hais, and the restring cost $7 and the cost of wrapping the grip thing cost $4 sia! Crap, if only i done it in MY instead it will be cheaper i guess, but its worth it i guess. Oh ya, i just got back from malaysia, it was very very fun lar omg, the food there was f-a-b-u-l-o-u-s but i guess got quite a lot of houseflies there, Z! And ar, my cousins are so fun to play with lar, and my relatives were so good to me, lol. But too bad, dun noe why i couldn't connect my notebook to their internet through wireless, so i could only play their PS2 games, lol but it was quite fun bah. And hor, my ah yi and ah gu say i very polite sia, haha, so happy. 4 years never see my cousins le, but they change abit nia bah, cos their hairstyle were always the same, botak for boys and mushroom head for girls haha, omg heng singapore didn't adopt such school rules, if not i gg liao. Hope i can go to MY again soon, =/. Goodnite 10:48pm Monday, March 16, 2009Hais now my cheeks got abit sun-burnt cos of the hiking, lols. Anyway, my grandma came back to singapore today! I missed her badly man, haha. After a 7-hour-long train ride, she was too tired to join us for dinner, so only my mother and i went to chinatown for dinner. Actually wanted to go Ajisen Ramen, but the half-price promotion only lasted until 6 pm, so we went to chinatown for ramen instead. Omg, the ramen was dam spicy lar, even though it was only 4 chilli on the menu, lol, i cannot imagine what will 8 chilli taste like, haha. I was quite hungry you see, so i ordered a sort-of japanese steamboat, and its n-i-c-e lar, especially the beef. The fried chicken was not bad too, but i scared that i would have sore throat again, so i dipped it onto the steamboat soup, lols, my mom thought i was going nuts or smth. Aiya, i guess i ordered too much, so we ta-baoed the remaining food. Then on the way back ar, i saw this old man quite ke lian, both his legs were swollen, so i donated one dollar to him. I noe its little but its better than nth right, hah. Felt great after cos i did a good deed today! Ahh, i promised my mom to sleep early, sians. So i guess i going to sleep le bah. Anyway, who want to play badminton sia, omg, why everyone is not free ar, z! Hais, nvm. I shall stop here, bye. GoodNite. 11pm. Today's preaching by the pastor-duno-who was very meaningful and funny, cos he likes to crack jokes. I rmb some things he said bah, one of it goes like this, "the very root of education was not to seek for knowledge, but to seek for meanings, to understand the world around us, to understand the truth of god, and what god wants us to do. Knowledge is nth without meanings, but knowledge with meanings is wisdom". Aiya smth like these bah, lol, hope these make sense. After that we went for hiking at mount fabor, omg its my first time sia, so i was inundated with anticipation lar, yea and it turned out to be quite fun, despite the humid weather. Cos i didn't noe that they would provide mineral water for us, so i went to buy a 1.5 litre of mineral water lar, omg, then ended up i had to carry 2 small and one big bottles lar, so heavy, z! Don't know why i was so energetic today, lol cos i was practically running around and climbing here climbing there, lol, while everyone was complaining about the blistering heat. We got a break in between, and we played a game called Ice Breaking. Each of us recieved a piece of paper with 5 questions on it, and we had to ask our friends to fill it up for us or smth. I guess the purpose of the game is to let us noe more abt each other bah. After we conquered the Mount Fabor hill, we headed for telok bangla (duno how to spell as always) hill, it was quite fun hiking cos we chatted along the way, even though some of our cell group members didn't turn up. Jermaine didn't turn up cos he got student council camp, yea hopefully he got in, lol i cannot imagine him going around trying to make ppl vote for him, haha, while rachel cannot make it cos she had to go her grandma 's house. Our final destination was hortpark, yea it was indeed "hot" there, somemore i was wearing jacket with a hood! I noe its suicidal, but i tot it was quite cool, but its obviously not. Our cell group leader guan xiong teacher or smth treated us ice cream sia, so good man. I randomly picked one, and it turned out to be sucky, cos its like a frozen-jelly-on-stick rather than ice cream , but i managed to finish it cos it would be mean to throw it away half-eaten you see. And i overheard my friend's conversation saying that the black pepper chicken pie was quite delicious, so out of curiousity, i went to buy it. It was nice bah, i guess cos its cos i was quite hungry back then. Yea, then we ended it off with a couple of games. The first game was quite complicated, but i lazy to elaborate it so i gonna just keep it short. We were called to form an oval shape, then one ppl had to stand in the middle lar, and randomly we picked one captain (the guy in the center must close his/her eyes), then we must follow the captain's action lar, and the guy in the middle had to guess whose the captain or smth. Okay i don't know you guys understand it or not but it was fun, seriously. The 2nd game was like there will be a "ghost", then the "ghost" will have to hide while everyone had their eyes closed, and if the "ghost" was found, the person would have to shout out loud "GHOST!!!", then everyone have to run back to their base, by touching the specific tree. When the ghost was found, then he have to catch the finders before they reach the specific tree lar. I volunteered to be the "ghost" cos i tot it was quite challenging, lol. Omg its already 3.37am, i shall stop here. Good Night. 3:38am Sunday, March 15, 2009Hmm yea finally i had gotten my notebook, lol. Its function is quite cool, lol, especially the i-can-run-the-shortcuts-by-scanning-different-types-of-finger thing. Hais but various tries is needed to get it right, quite troublesome. Woots, now i won't be bored when i am in malaysia liao, lols. You know, i cannot live without my comp, like some ppl cant live without their handphone. Met some of my future schoolmates, siann, don't have lots of chio bu, omg! Hais, actually wanted to sign up for the freshman orientation camp de, but unfortunately its already full, so i m on the waiting list, hopefully someone will change their mind so i can go, Zz, i love camping man. Cos its not a daily occurence thing. Anyway, i signed up for 2 CCAs, which are Badminton and Taekwondo, cool right? Initially i thought there will be no Badminton CCA lar, then i was like disappointed, nearly going to change school lol. Stupid website never update or smth, Zz. Anyway, ytd my uncle (my mom's friend) drove us all the way to Kaidi(alexander) road for japanese cuisine. It was like a eat-all-you-want-as-long-as-you-don't-waste-the-food buffet, lols, i ordered alot, but we still managed to finish it, heng, if not we had to pay for the wastage. These few days i was chionging bleach, naruto and one piece manga, omg these animes are so addictive man. Finally got work today! Don't know why this week only today got working slot, hais, poly is going to start and i haven saved enough money, Zz sia. Today the customers were quite nice, lols, they were always smiling and helped me clear the table. These people are the root of my motivation to work man, even though i hated today's working venue, cos the kitchen got some revolting smell, yucks, i bet its the last place on earth you gonna set foot in. Today's event was wedding again, lol, when i looked at them i can't helped but to think when will be my turn to be the groom, holding my bride's hand and walk towards the stage. Okay, i noe this is daydreaming, oh i guess it is midnightdreaming, l-a-m-e, i noe. As if anyone will be willing to walk with me lol. Okay i shall stop here. GoodNight. 2:03am Thursday, March 12, 2009Hey, today i met louis and kinfei outside the movie ticket office at Plaza Singapura. Then shortly after, Gek chuan and Wendy joined us. Initially we wanted to watch Slumdog Millionare, but Gek Chuan forgot to bring her IC, and unfortunately the show is N16, so we bought tickets for the movie Push instead. Before the movie ar, Gek Chuan, Wendy and i went to yanoshiba or smth for lunch while Louis and Kinfei went for arcade. Diaos, they sure like to waste their money on arcade and stuff, -.-. I had bowl of rice with teriyaki(whatever you spell it) chicken, some beef meat and vegetables, and a cup of salad and mixed fruits? Lols, it was not bad bah, but the beef and the mixed fruits was not very appetising for me. Then we headed for the 4.45 pm movie. The movie was nice lar, lols, the pushers are so cool, like can attract or repel someone? Somemore they can control the gun and making it float to the enemy and shoot? If only i had that power, lol. Unrealistic but whatever. After movie only Gek chuan, Wendy and i stayed for dinner, lols, we had our dinner at Ajisen ramen. As always, i ordered Spicy Cha-Shu Ramen, to me it was nice bah, too bad they dont have Spicy Miso Cha-Shu Ramen, hais, that will be ideal for me. After we had our dinner, we were too lazy to move so we just sat there and talked until 9+ pm. Hmm, then we walked ard Plaza Singapura for awhile, and we headed for home. Hais, nowdays everyone keep staying at home watch anime, so sian. Hope that i will not wake up 4.20am again today, hell, this happened to me for the past few days, then my legs would be so ichy that i wont be able to go on sleeping, hais. Okay thats all. Good Nite. 1:11am Friday, March 6, 2009Hmm, haven been posting cos i m downed with skin rashes, hais. Okay lets start this off with what happened yesterday. Erm, went for poly medical check-up ytd, and i saw Kai jing and Wei xuan there, lols. Then after that an uncle (my mom's friend) drove us to the Kim's Seafood or smth for a late lunch. Anyway, these days ar everywhere i go i kept seeing the word Kim? Hopefully it is the sign of that i will make lots of Kim(gold) when i start my business haha, i wish. The food there was nice lar, lols. Then when i reached home i tried to boil a hard boil egg for my mom? Cos she fell down when we were walking out from the bedok station, and it was a bad fall, about 5 stairs? OMG! Thank god she's fine (just a bump on her head and some minor injuries) , i guess i can't live without her. Hais anyway, the egg turned out to be watery or smth when i peeled to check? lol. It was really a hard-to-boil egg. Whatever, so i just helped her sort of massage it? Hmm, today i went to ICA to extend my passport cos i going to Kuala lumpo ( whatever you spell it) on 14 march bah, to see my cousins! I am so excited whenever i think of that. I wonder how they looked like now, i guess they all grown up le bah. And they very smart lar, get all As for their exams, hais, i guess it cos their mother is a teacher. Then actually wanted to go to Sakae Sushi, but i scared i might be late for the cell group gathering at 5pm so i went home and watch Code Geass- OMG its very nice lar, addictive. Hmm, met rachel and jermaine at bedok bus interchange, and we took bus 32 to go somewhere for ice cream bah. Met Gaius and Ying Shuang at the ice cream shop. Cos its was my first time, i anyhow mixed the flavour and it was like sour and sweet, yucks, wasted my $5.70 sia. Then we headed back to GMSS for bible study. We were early so we went to the shops which is beside aljunied MRT station to buy some snacks bah. I bought a soya bean (as always) and a stick of siew mai and some meat wrapped in seeweeds. Quite nice bah, but i guess i have to go on a diet liao, omg sia, from 53 kg to now 60kg, hell, what had i done? Anyway the bible study was okay, quite interesting and funny as always, cos got ppl like jun bo who cracks lame jokes, and some others too, but i forgot to bring my bible and the book they are going through, so have to share, hais i always forgot to bring de sia. I learnt that friends are impt, so i gonna make a tons of friends when i m in poly, lol. Then chiong home watched Code Geass again, lol, yea i have no life. Anyway garena always screw up my ladder sia, now duno why 53-7, and 4 dc? They sure like to add in DC and loses for me, hais, now my winning rate is screwed. Okay sorry for those who dont play dota. Thats all for today, i guess its abit long, lol. Good Night. 1:56am. |
profileName: YonghaoSchool: Singapore poly Loves: GOD, Break dance :D:D, roller skating, badminton, guitarr, JAY CHOU!!, and Genie zhuo wen xuan (very cute lar) Hates: Back stabbers, hypocrites First cry: 25/12/92
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Love Story - Taylor Swift
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